If any of you guys are off work on wednsday and would like to help me clear the grounds at fresh start please let me know. Its a full day of work so you can almost knock out your hours at one time. Lunch will be provided. Please call 325-895-8953 if you are interested.
Community Service Opportunities
There is still a lot of work that needs to be done at Fresh Start ministries. If anyone needs hours on Wendsdays please let me know and a ride will be provided...and lunch. You can get up to 7 hours of your community sevice done in one day. I have been volunteering there every Wednsday for the past couple of months. I sure could use some good help guys. Let me know if your available.
I share this photo with one purpose and intent.
It becomes super easy to get complacent and ungrateful. It only takes a few weeks and you will start to forget just how blessed and loved you are here at the Hopper House. You get healthy and start to feel better. That alcoholic mind will start to tell you things will be different this time. I know, because mine told me the same thing and this is what i ended up looking like 2 weeks after I left. Your in a really great place with people who love you and truly care about your life. Get off your butt show the God of your understanding and The Hoppers some appreciation for your new start and a new life. I love you guys..stay out of self and help someone else..a little community service may just save your life.
Brandy ask me to let you guys know that we need to start getting things ready for FearFest 22. We will have a meeting wednsday evening about all the details so make sure to try and be there. Thanks guys.
Awesome, thanks fer your insight. We love all y’all. Although this post could have been In join the team because that’s a perfect reason why people should JOIN THE TEAM.